Family Law
A relationship breakdown can be an emotional and difficult time for anyone involved. At HS Lawyers we can help with the complex issues which may arise from family breakdown, whether financial or child-related. We take utmost care and firstly try to encourage communication among the individuals involved and keep careful considerations of the whole family most particularly the children.
We try to avoid court proceedings wherever possible by having mediation, collaborative law and round table meetings. Our team is committed to seeking negotiated solutions without compromising on our client’s position.
Whether you are married or in a civil partnership and your relationship has broken down , our Family Law team can provide you with the best legal advice on separation agreements and divorce.
If you need advice working out an agreement with your former partner or require a solicitor to represent you, HS Lawyers have experienced solicitors to deal with these type of matters.
Whatever your circumstances, our expert team always aim for the best possible outcome. We ensure you feel guided and supported throughout the process.
A wide experience on all aspects of Family Law, such as:
Divorce and Relationship Breakdown
Pre-nuptual and post-nuptual arrangements
Cohabitation agreements
Seperation agreements